Premature Ejaculation – What you should know.
Although erectile dysfunction gets most of the publicity these days as a result of huge advertising budgets for impotence medications like Viagra, Cialis, and Levitrea – premature ejaculation is actually the #1 sexual dysfunction issue experienced by men. Premature ejaculation (PE) occurs when a man ejaculates sooner during sexual intercourse than they or their partner would prefer. This common form of sexual dysfunction affects 30% to 40% of men worldwide. The exact causes, and solutions, for PE are still widely unknown. However, the medical community has made strides that may help many men suffering from this condition – making PE an important topic for men to discuss with their doctor.
There are two types of PE: lifelong and secondary. Lifelong PE is primarily characterized as ejaculation that occurs within one minute of vaginal penetration or the inability to delay ejaculation. Secondary ejaculation shares the same characteristics as lifelong PE but develops after a man has had sexual intimacy without premature ejaculation.
Both types of PE are caused by multiple factors that may or may not be manageable. Biological, psychological, anxiety issues, relationship problems and erectile dysfunction are just a few of the possible causes. Additional causes may be related to hormone changes, changes in urological functioning and changes in the function of the nerves that supply the penis.
Men should not feel discouraged or shy away from sexual relations – the health benefits of having sex far outweigh the condition. Nor should they feel embarrassed or refrain from discussing the issue with their physicians. Many physicians can help men suffering from PE determine solutions specific to their case. Below are some of the most common solutions:
• Antidepressants. Certain antidepressants have been prescribed to treat premature ejaculation because of their delayed orgasm side effect. Antidepressants are not an approved treatment of PE and you should talk to your doctors about the risks and benefits.
• Topical anesthetic cream. Creams containing lidocaine or prilocaine have been known to lower the sensation of the penis and may delay ejaculation. However, this solution may affect female genital sensitivity and limit her pleasure.
• Premature ejaculation pills. Recent years have seen the development of several natural premature ejaculation pills that can dramatically improve sexual stamina and stop premature ejaculation almost completely.
• Sexual therapy. Masturbation and applied strategic pressure have been used in sexual therapy to treat PE. Commonly, partners are involved in sexual therapy and there are techniques that can only be performed by the opposite partner.
• Wear a condom. Aside from the number of benefits that come with always using a condom, it has been shown that condoms reduce stimulation and prolong the time before ejaculation. Avoid condoms that are “extra thin” to avoid over stimulation.
• Slow down. Slowing down intercourse will reduce the pressure to perform and take away some of your anxiety. Try positions that put less pressure on the sensitive parts of the penis.
• Manage your hormones. Hormones are responsible for keeping all of your systems working properly and a shift can affect your sexual function. Monitor your hormone levels and work with your physician to achieve and maintain balance as you age.
Premature ejaculation is a serious and important issue which can negatively affect both partners in a relationship. The majority of men suffer needlessly either due to embarassment or because they don’t realize that several treatment options exist. Premature ejaculation is not the end to your intimacy or sexual relations; however, it should be taken seriously and be discussed with your physician to preserve your mental and physical well-being. The sooner you educate yourself about the myriad of PE treatments that exist for men, the sooner you’ll be on the road to recovery and can once again enjoy a satisfying and fulfilling sex life.