what is premature ejaculation

What is Premature Ejaculation?

“What is Premature Ejaculation, anyway?” [image width=”256″ height=”256″ align=”right” title=”what is premature ejaculation” alt=” what is premature ejaculation” border=”” caption=”” zoom=”0″]/images/what-is-premature-ejaculation.jpg[/image] What exactly is premature ejaculation? This is a bit of...
bad relationships and sexual dysfunction problems

Past relationships can cause Premature Ejaculation and E.D.

Wondering how you came to have premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction? Turns out that your past relationships with women could be to blame. It’s been revealed that a man’s relationship with his mother -or the age he first fell in love – can influence his sexual function later in life. In...
diagosing premature ejaculation

Diagnosing Premature Ejaculation

PE or ED? “How do I know if I have ED or PE?” [image width=”215″ height=”108″ align=”right” title=”diagnosing premature ejaculation” alt=”diagnosing premature ejaculation” border=”” caption=”ED or PE?” zoom=”0″]/images/diagnosing-premature-ejaculation.jpg[/image] Often times men get confused abou...

Premature Ejaculation – survival of the fastest?

Premature Ejaculation – Survival of the fittest – or fastest? Premature ejaculation is a condition in which men have difficulty controlling their sexual response and orgasms, and some reach climax within just 1 to 2 minutes of stimulation. Understandably, many men feel embarrassed by this conditi...

Premature Ejaculation – What you should know.

Premature Ejaculation – What you should know. Although erectile dysfunction gets most of the publicity these days as a result of huge advertising budgets for impotence medications like Viagra, Cialis, and Levitrea – premature ejaculation is actually the #1 sexual dysfunction issue experienced by ...

Premature ejaculation and your relationship.

Sexual function and your relationship When couples think of ways to improve their relationship, muddling through sexual function or performance issues is not usually at the top of the list. However, whether you suffer from premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction – working as a team to overc...

Diagnosing Premature Ejaculation.

Premature Ejaculation – Medical Diagnosis Many men write us wondering about diagnosing premature ejaculation. How can they determine if they have premature ejaculation – and is it temporary or a more long term problem? Premature ejaculation can occur at any time in a mans life and there is no sin...